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Afternoon Tea
They were supposed to have a joint operation together. Something about a smaller office getting raided. Two partcular fixers, deployed into the Backstreets, instead go to a cafe to have some afternoon tea.

Zwei Assoc. South Section 4
You, uh...You sure this is it?

Cinq Assoc. West Section 3 Meursault)
Yes, I think so. This spot has quite the adorable setting.
Gregor was supposed to be a shield. Protecting people when the situation was dire was important. What's the harm in having a small break, anyway?
He wonders if the job they have is something they should be rushing over to. Nonetheless, they're both seated, and Gregor gawks at the menu.

Zwei Assoc. South Section 4
Whoa, these are some prices...! I dunno if I've got enough on me for one slice of cake.

Cinq Assoc. West Section 3 Meursault)
Order what you'd like. I'll pay for all of it.

Zwei Assoc. South Section 4
Eh? You're kidding, right?

Cinq Assoc. West Section 3 Meursault)
Reluctant, Gregor makes his order. A slice of cake and some tea for them both. The two of them have a small conversation, about current events going on within their associations.
By the time their orders come in...

Zwei Assoc. South Section 4
Uwah! Those photos were no joke. Just look at these bears!
Gregor finds himself too enamored by the desserts to focus on what they were saying. Meursault can't help but sigh a bit at how cute everything looked.

Zwei Assoc. South Section 4
We should dig in before they start melt—Whuh? What are you doing?

Cinq Assoc. West Section 3 Meursault)
Don't mind me. Just enjoy your meal.
The Zwei Fixer blniks as Meursault takes out his phone. Really, it was strange to him how much that man enjoyed taking his photos. He starts eating his cake and drinking his tea regardless, laughing to himself.

Zwei Assoc. South Section 4
Man, this is the stuff! I thought they wouldn't be good but the bears really pull the whole thing together...!

Cinq Assoc. West Section 3 Meursault)
Do they, now? I'm glad.

Zwei Assoc. South Section 4
You're taking a lot of photos, huh. Are they that cute?
Meursault coughs, raising the phone up just a little bit. It was then that Gregor realized what he was actually doing.

Cinq Assoc. West Section 3 Meursault)
Yes. Very cute.

Zwei Assoc. South Section 4
Hey, hey! You're taking photos of ME?!
Gregor nearly knocks over his cup, triyng to reach out for the phone. His annoyance is fake, however. The two of them can't help but laugh.

Zwei Assoc. South Section 4
Come onnnn...let me see them, at least!

Cinq Assoc. West Section 3 Meursault)
Alright. Alright, just let me put on a few filters.
Their bantering, loud and full of joy as it was, could be heard throughout the cafe. Though Meursault loves taking plenty of photos for each trip...
He can't help but love Gregor a little more.